

I was in this sort of  feelin’ my self mood and decided why not. How many of us try to catch up on old reruns of ” My so called Life” or ” Friends” only to be disrupted by one of your relatives telling you to go clean the kitchen, or  getting a notice that you are just about to be terminated from your apartment. Yup, it doesn’t feel so exciting doesn’t it? When these things happen, it could definitely feel like a sting or like you’ve just been robbed of your freedom. No seriously, let me repeat that again. Like you’ve been robbed of your FREEDOM. I mean, don’t get me wrong we all have this sort of zest for life but when something like this happens, you just can’t go back to being SpongeBob or Elle Woods from the Film ” Legally Blonde” right away. You just quickly go into Ice cube mode where you all of a sudden start losing your blank and start screaming and yelling and forget you were actually having a really good time before that. So, just how do you maintain your sanity at all times? Well, the answer is pretty simple. You have to be cool about EVERY single situation the source puts you in. Yup, that’s right. No matter if you won or lost the battle a couple of times. It doesn’t matter. It’s all about the experience. You could get through this. Right? We’ve all been there. If I could count how many times we’ve all cried our eyes out when we couldn’t get this or that right. I’d say we would get a substantial amount of badges for being the most heroic out there! I know it’s going to be a really difficult task to do but you’re going to have to remove all that tension and try to free your mind and put yourself in a better place. So please remember if you are the rich or poor guy equivalent to Jacobim Mugato from Zoolander (this ones funny) or Katniss Everdeen. It won’t matter. You could come back swinging in no time!


I Want You

Love this!

Thoughts in Life

I want you!

I want to hold you until I can’t let go!
I want to steal you away and never give you back!
I will lock you up in my heart and not once let you back out!

I will capture your looks, your funny laugh, your kind gestures towards me and keepthem locked up, right by my side in my bedside table.

In the middle of the night, when I wake up from a bad dream, I will open up my drawer where all your things are kept and recall all our sweet memories with them. My eyes will feel sleepy and I will fall back into my deep sleep because of our memories together.

I know most of these things aren’t possible now, maybe they will never be possible,
but at least the thought and possibility of you becoming mine makes all this seem so real.


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If you are currently reading “ 10 signs guys like you”, or “ Why the guy hasn’t called you back in 10 days”, just stop. Drop that pencil before taking any more nonsensical notes.  Think of it like this, If every human in the whole entire universe could care less about where Kate Bosworth bought her last Gucci bag then we also wouldn’t care about which type of guy or girl we would go for. Why? because there is no such thing as a type. I mean  honestly, really think about it, we spend our whole lives goo-ing and gah-ing about countless of pointless things when we should be looking within ourselves. Now I know you may be asking, “ Now how else am I going to find helpful tips on love?” Well the short answer is you don’t. Everyone and I mean everyone, guy or girl, are cool with just about anyone. These so called saviour guides on love are nothing but a manipulative tool to control the masses. If you are not allowing your mind to think creatively you’ll be in a constant struggle between yourself in what you know is to be true in your heart and what the others are trying to sell you to be true. The magazines or blogs  tell us that guys or girls are complex creatures and so there would be no doubt that we would be complex on love as a whole. Wrong. If I would be glad to go out with just about anyone then why wouldn’t they? Well, because everyone tries to accept that they should have some sort of agenda when looking for that perfect someone. But if they were to recognize the illusion that this false reality has created for us. The innumerable amounts of blogs, magazines, articles, you name it, would fall off the face of the earth. So next time, you’re eyeing that guy from across the room, instead of looking at another blog on, “ How to tell if a guy likes you or not?” Just stop and think that rejection shouldn’t even cross your mind. Because no one likes to reject or be rejected. But since everyone is busy playing  the game and wants to continue being blind to what’s really going on in reality, you’re going to have to face rejection at some point in your lifetime. But just know it’s all counterfeit. Also know, that it is important to gain back you’re freedom in this corrupt world because if you don’t, no one else will do it for you and you’re just going to be like the thousands of others that are puppets to the puppet master.
